Wednesday 6 April 2011

xmlcmd: adding an --xml option, one command at a time

In my last post, I wrote some thoughts on how using the text based meta-language[1] of regular expressions to filter and manipulate structured data from UNIX commands was not fully exploiting the jigsaw-puzzle approach of 'the unix philosophy'[2], and that XPath (and by implication XML) provided an alternative where structured data on the command line was concerned.[3]

I also mentioned how great things could be if, like subversion, every POSIX command line tool had an --xml switch which could output XML. (There are many programs with XML output, but the main POSIX ones[4] don't have this as an option)

Here's one I made earlier

I was always aware of the danger of overstating the case, but sometimes that can be helpful. Or at least fun. And I'd already started prototyping something which looked fun, dangerous, and potentially useful. This is intended to be illustrative rather than a serious suggestion, but there might be many other cases where the concepts can be used more seriously.

1. Add a path

There isn't any magic to what we're doing in adding --xml options, and we're not touching the original programs. We're just using the fact that the PATH in POSIX operating systems contains an ordered list of entries, and we're simply inserting a 'hook' early on in the path which can catch and redirect certain formats of command, while transparently forwarding others.

I tend to have a ~/bin directory on my path anyway (keeping good care that it is only writable by myself) - so I'm already set, but if not, you'll need a directory which appears first on the PATH.

ben$ mkdir -p ~/bin
add that path to the start of your login path (e.g. in .bashrc or .bash_profile):
export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
Once that is done, anything in that directory will be run in preference to anything else. Put an 'ls' file in there something like the following:
#!/usr/bin/env python
print("These are not the files you're looking for")
make it executable (chmod +x ~/bin/ls) and you won't be able to run 'ls' anymore. Except you are running it, it's just a different ls, and not doing anything particularly helpful. You can always run the original ls with a fully specified path (or try using $(whereis ls)).

Two more things make this potentially useful:

  • Finding the next program on the PATH, which would have been run if something else hadn't sneaked in first
  • Selectively running either this 'original' program or some different code based on relevant criteria (e.g. existence of --xml in the command line options)
and the following makes things practical:
  • Making the two things above easily reusable for any command.

2. The magic of args[0]

Most of the time most programs ignore args[0] - the program's own name. But what if args[0] could be treated as a command line option, just like all the others? What makes this possible is having multiple symbolic links to a single program. args[0] is then the name of the original symlink by which the process was called, so although the same program is ultimately running, it can determine in what way it was called. It can therefore change its own operation. This technique is used in the busybox project to implement a generous number of commands in a single executable.

3. Introducing xmlcmd

xmlcmd is a Python package which supports this terrible corruption of POSIX as it should always be. The main xmlcmd module code is fairly straightforward, and is shown below. This finds the original program (which would have been run if we weren't first on the path), and then either execs that (if no --xml option is provided), or runs some Python code in an dynamically imported Python module (_xyz from the xmlcmd package, where xyz is the 'original' command name) if --xml is present.

""" - support for adding an --xml option to various commands

Ben Bass 2011. (Public Domain)

import sys
import os
import which  # from PyPI 'which' package

def process_cmd(cmd_name, args, orig_cmd_path):
    import and call the main() function from the module
    module = __import__('xmlcmd._%s' % cmd_name,
                        fromlist=['_%s' % cmd_name])
    raise SystemExit(module.main(args, orig_cmd_path))

def main(args=None):
    run system command from sys.argv[:], where sys.argv[0]
    implies the real command to run (e.g. via symlinks to us)
    if args is None:
        args = sys.argv

    # args[0] will be a full path - we only want the command name
    cmd_name = os.path.basename(args[0])
    if cmd_name.startswith('xmlcmd'):
        raise SystemExit('xmlcmd should not be called directly')

    # get the command which would have run if we hadn't sneaked
    # ahead of it in the $PATH
    cmd_path_gen = which.whichgen(cmd_name)   # skip first match (us)
    orig_cmd_path =

    if '--xml' in args:
        # forward to our xmlized version...
        process_cmd(cmd_name, args, orig_cmd_path)
        # execv *replaces* this process, so it has no idea it
        # wasn't called directly. Total transparency.
        os.execv(orig_cmd_path, args)

if __name__ == '__main__':

4. The implementations

The real work is all handled in the _{cmd} modules of course, so admittedly we've really only moved the problem around a bit. But the point of this exercise is about the ease with which we can add these new entry points into existing systems. Nothing slows down in any noticeable way, and it would be easy to extend an entire class of commands, one at a time, by nothing more than adding a Python module and creating a symlink.

For reference, the main() function from looks something like this:

def main(args=None, orig_cmd_path=None):
    """very basic xml directory listing"""
    if len(args) > 1:
        target_dir = args[-1]
        if not os.path.isdir(target_dir):
            raise SystemExit('%s is not a directory' % (target_dir,))
        target_dir = os.getcwd()

    root = ET.Element('directory', name=target_dir)
    for fn in os.listdir(target_dir):
        stat = os.stat(os.path.join(target_dir, fn))
        f_el = ET.SubElement(root, 'file', mtime=str(stat.st_mtime))
        ET.SubElement(f_el, 'name').text = fn
        ET.SubElement(f_el, 'size').text = str(stat.st_size)
    ET.ElementTree(root).write(sys.stdout, 'utf-8')

5. Example

ben$ sudo pip install which xmlcmd
(yup, it's on PyPI) will install the xmlcmd Python package (and the 'which' dependency), and an xmlcmd wrapper script which should end up on the path. With that done, you can now create the magic symlinks:
ben$ ln -sf $(which xmlcmd) ~/bin/ls
ben$ ln -sf $(which xmlcmd) ~/bin/ps
And now, assuming things are working properly (a quick hash -r/rehash can't hurt), you should now be able to do wonderful things like this:
ben$ ps --xml aux | xpath '//process/command/text()[../../cpu > 2.5]'
which in this case displays the command name of all processes currently taking more than 2.5% of the CPU. Sure the XPath isn't exactly elegant. But the point is that patterns of this micro-language would be shared between tasks, and manipulating structured data on the UNIX command line would become as easy as text manipulation is now.

Here's some they made earlier...

Having said and done all that, a few searches later (for 'posix commands' in this case) brought up, which seems to do some very similar things.

I also found (via [2]) xmltk, which at first glance seems to have beaten me to these ideas by about 9 years... :-)


'Regular expressions are notations for describing patterns of text and, in effect, make up a special-purpose language for pattern matching.' Brian Kerninghan, Beautiful Code (ed. Andy Oram & Greg Wilson, O'Reilly Media Inc).
The Art of Unix Programming, Eric S. Raymond. Especially the 'Rule of Composition'; see Chapter 1. (Note this book also praises text of course...)
What a pointlessly long sentence.
POSIX 2 (Commands and Utilities) covers these, e.g. see reference here

1 comment:

  1. Having come from a XML and XSLT background this idea is pretty slick. That said, I think there might be more buy in if you used JSON instead. While you lose XPath, it is really not very well known past the appearance of looking like a path. I think I also saw on planet python an easy trick to pass the input into a JSON parser and query the results.

    In either case though, I really like the idea as it makes the barrier to entry for interesting shell scripting much lower and grokable for programmers.
